Bernoulli’s Principle – #SciencingAndEngineering with @TheSTEMAZingPro
Student Video Teacher Talk Video Teacher/Learning Coach Guide with Best Practices and Strategies for Engaging Students Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal If you want to use this resource in Google Classroom, you can find a Google Slides version of the Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal here: Notice Phenomenon and Wonder Question Journal…
Read MoreREAL Primary Colors (NOT red, yellow, and blue)
If you ask a physicist, “What are the primary colors?” They would ask you, “Are you talking about light or paint?” The answer is different for light and paint but beautifully connected. The REAL primary colors of paint are NOT red, yellow, and blue – as taught in school until you reach physics – but…
Read MorePQRST Sciencing Journal V4 (recently UPDATED)
The PQRST Sciencing Journal is the A-Z (or at least P-T) template for helping your students process a phenomenon, play to learn, identify variables, design an experiment, conduct experiment to collect data, make a claim supported by evidence with scientific reasoning to explain it, and then keep thinking in questions. There are three versions of…
Read MoreMatchbox Car PQRST
This powerful lesson will not only teach students how to identify variables, design a scientific experiment, collect data, make a CER (claim, evidence, and reasoning) based on their experiment, and continue thinking in questions, it will also teach them girls can do anything! Using the inspiring story of…
Read MorePQRST – Question Your Students into Scientists and Engineers
Phenomenon, Questions, Research investigation, Science story, Thinking more Help students make sense of the world using PQRST journals and lessons. Let students notice, wonder, and learn using science and engineering practices. Develop their skills as scientist and engineers and help them think in questions!
Read MoreAvión de dos Oros
Cómo hacer una avioneta usando un plato de “foam”
Papalote (Cometa o Chiringa) de una página
Objetivos de aprendizaje Los niños… • construirán y volarán una cometa usando una hoja de papel y otros materiales económicos. Preguntas Clave ¿Puedes hacer una cometa con una sola hoja de papel? (Lesson available in English HERE.) Materiales Plantilla de papalote (cometa) Cuerda (Baker’s Twine de Dollar Tree) Perforada estándar de 1⁄4” Sorbete flexible Cinta…
Read MoreREAL Primary Colors PQRST
How does your eye see a red apple? Explore this question using a phenomenon driven storyline to engage students in exploring how the eye works and how we create color using light and using pigments. And, for physics sake, please let the experiment with the REAL primary colors,…
Read MoreLas siete destrezas esenciales para la vida
This resource is available in English HERE.
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