NOT MAGIC! Can you master the physics ring and chain trick? Check out the document below the video for directions and info about where to get your own rings and chains by the 100. Don’t want 100? We sell them for $1 each plus shipping if you are out of town. Use our contact form to request a quote.
What do you notice and wonder as you watch the Physics Ring and Chain Trick in slow motion?
Physics Trick Automator 3000 – a 3-D printable design by Clay Furman
Files to 3-D Print your own Physics Trick Automator 3000 (make copies to use and modify.) Thanks, again, to Clay Furman for sharing his creation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. See user guide below and find .stl files in the Google folder linked above.
A note from Clay: “No user support or warranty; reverse-engineering is encouraged, and I would like to have a copy if anyone comes up with a better design!” Send us your .stl files if you come up with an improved design.