Explores the realm and limits of science. Engages students to give examples of topics that can be studied by science, and those that cannot. This also takes a look at descriptive terms that reflect the true nature of modern science, and those that do not, especially those that do not fit the popular perceptions of science.
STEMAZing Notes: In this lesson, students sort statements out under the Science is… Science is not… headings and then you facilitate a conversation about where these statements really belong. Students should be given time in a group to sort the statements out as well. The conversations they have with each other trying to decide where the statements go is a critically important part of this lesson.
When the groups are done sorting their statements, you facilitate a conversation about where the statements really belong using the Science is… Science is not… KEY (file found below). You might start with statements they easily agreed upon and then follow that with statements they debated in their small groups. An accommodation for slower processing students is to assign all students the job of sorting these statements as homework individually and then letting them debate where they go during class when they are in groups.
Prep: Print the Science is… Science is not… Statements (file found below) single-sided on cardstock. Cut out the statements and put sets of them into envelopes. You need one set per group of 3-4 students. Review the Science is… Science is not… KEY to prepare to facilitate class discussion. Note that statements which are often debated include: “LIMITED TO THE NATURAL UNIVERSE”, “BASED ON AUTHORITY”, “A SEARCH FOR TRUTH”, “ABLE TO SOLVE ALL PROBLEMS”, “BASED ON PROOF” (This statement would be Science is… if it said EVIDENCE in place of PROOF, we don’t like saying we “prove” things in science, because we can’t 100% prove anything.), “BASED ON BELIEF/FAITH” and others depending on the group.
Science is… Science is not… Statements
Science is… Science is not… KEY
Original Sunsets, Souls, and Senses lesson from ENSI (We call this lesson Science is… Science is not… Nature of Science Lesson.):